UKATA Non-Licensed Waste & Civic Amenity Site Personnel
This course is ideal for those who may be required to undertake or manage Non-Licensed or Notifiable Non-Licensed Work with asbestos containing materials which arrive at waste management sites by design or as inadvertent or unauthorised content of other wastes.
1 day
Contact us
Please contact us to discuss dates for this course. (0) 1453 828555
Course Duration:
Course duration is 1 day
Who should attend?
Any persons who may be required to undertake or manage Non-Licensed or Notifiable Non-Licensed Work with asbestos containing materials which arrive at waste management sites by design or as inadvertent or unauthorised content of other wastes.
Course Content:
The course will cover the following topics:
- UKATA Non-Licensed Work syllabus inc. Risk Assessment and Plans of Work
- Asbestos containing material in waste
- The advice which should be provided to members of the public when they enquire about disposing of asbestos wastes at Civic Amenity sites including appropriate/ approved packaging.
- Designing and segregating asbestos waste operations away from general waste disposal points
- What to do when asbestos wastes or suspected asbestos are identified mixed with other wastes
- Whistleblowing and contacting Regulators where uncontrolled or illegal work has been undertaken by construction contractors
- Emergency procedures
- Practical training including the use of PPE, RPE, additional bagging and safe handling of waste and decontamination procedures
Upon completion, delegates will have an awareness of the hazards and risks posed by asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and will be able to handle or remove materials safely in accordance with current legislation and current codes of practice.
Delegate Preparation:
Delegates will ideally hold a UKATA Asbestos Awareness certificate which has been obtained in the past 6 months.
Hot and cold drinks available when delivered at a Sanctus Training venue.
Course Instructors: